Analytics Platform for Big Data


Data Aquisiton

Preparing a clean, high-quality dataset whose relations to the target variables are understood that are located in the analytics environment, ready to model and development of a solution architecture of the data pipeline to refresh and score data regularly.

Data Modelling

Recognizing the optimal data features for the machine learning model, shortlisting an informative ML model that predicts the target most accurately and fnalizing the ML model that is suitable for production.

Deploy & Integrate

Deploy the model and pipeline to a production environment for application consumption, ensure that these are satisfying consumer objectives and finally operationalizing the model with an open API interface to be easily consumed.

Big Data Analytics Platform

Our team of data scientists have myriad experience in healthcare and pharmaceuticals. We expertise:

  • Data Ingestion and Data Quality Services
  • Cloud storage for Data at Rest and in Motion
  • Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing
  • Advanced Visual Analytics and Integration
Other Services

Our Recent Works

Exadata focuses to improve healthcare services and deliveries through proactive decision making using its state-of-the-art Predictive Analytics Platform. This innovative, technology platform ensures quick data detailing to recommend just-in-time solution.

  • onClound H1N1 Predictive Platform

    Data Analytics, Epidemiology

    This cloud based big data analytics solution offers predictions for H1N1 and other influenza like illness (ILI). It predicts the quantum of spread, highlighting the possible regions of spread having similar dependent variables based on disease network analysis.

  • Predictive Analytics for Disease Outbreak

    Machine Learning

    Establishing the role of social media interactions, the solution identifies major disease carriers during an epidemic outbreak using machine learning techniques. And to identify possible patterns such as most affected geographical regions of the spread as well.

  • Optimized Healthcare Delivery Platform

    Analytics, Machine Learning

    An interactive and innovative platform that enables better planning for control and delivery of healthcare for proactive response strategies for disease outbreaks taking complicated social interactions based on various social platforms into consideration.

Realtime Responsive Social Media Analytics

People’s changing behaviour in response to public policies and their perception of how epidemic spreads, has also dramatically changed normal social interactions. Understanding the importance and the need for a comprehensive big data analytics platform, Exadata defines and develop a dedicated social media analytics tool:

  • State-of-the-art technology
  • Ingest data at REST
  • Extract social-media streaming data
  • Real-time and responsive
  • Visual analytics
  • Share and integrate

Latest Research

Predictive Analytics for Disease Outbreak

The recurrence of infectious diseases has alarmingly increased within last few years. Various reports claim almost 30 new contagious agents worldwide in the past few decades. Many of these infections are related to the factors like contamination of water and food, improper hygiene, poor sanitation which put the epidemic threats.

Furthermore, Social Media / Big data analytics in healthcare is one of the few fields that started evolving with the growth of big data itself and is playing a pivotal role in evolution of healthcare delivery, disease exploration and research. The social interactions are used to study the factors determining and influencing the frequency and distribution of disease and their causes in a defined population.

Need for Proactive Healthcare Service and Delivery

Big data analytics in healthcare could be a game changer. The most anticipated benefits like drastic improvement in patient care, disease patterns, tracking disease outbreaks, development of more accurately targeted vaccines, operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness can be achieved.

Scott Gnau

CTO, Hortonworks

The unique value creation for businesses comes not just from processing and understanding transactions as they happen and then applying models, but by actually doing it before the consumer, or the sensor, logs in to do something. I predict we will quickly move from post-event and even real-time to preemptive analytics that can drive transactions instead of just modifying or optimizing them.

Chuck Pieper

CEO, Cambridge Semantics

In 2017 I believe that C-suite executives will begin to understand that there is a real gap between their data visions and the ability of their enterprise to move data horizontally throughout the organization. I believe companies will begin to place different data storage systems into the hands of end users in a fast and efficient manner that has user self-direction and flexibility, democratizing data analysis.

Michael Upchurch

COO, Fuzzy Logix

Organizations will continue to feed on the increased data volume while the big data industry struggles through a shortage of data scientists and the boundaries imposed by non-scalable legacy software that can’t perform analytics at a granular level on big data data. Healthcare will especially be hard hit in this regard. Healthcare professionals are leveraging these data to improve the quality and speed of their services.

*As per the Industry Leaders quoted in different sources

Our Training Program

We have developed highest quality training with variety of teaching methods and learning paths for speedy enablement, few of the offerings include ..

Big Data Hadoop and Spark

5 Days Training Program,

Data Science Using R & Hadoop

7 Days Extensive Hands-on-Session Program

Hadoop Administration

5 Days Program for Big Data Administrators

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